19 de setembro de 2012

Música do dia: Leathers - Deftones

Melhor notícia musical de 2012 até agora! Saiu o primeiro e mais do que aguardado single do álbum "Koi No Yokan", novo trabalho de uma das melhores bandas de todos os tempos: DEFTONES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is
Your Chance... Revolt, Resist! Open you chest, Look down, Reach in.
Shedding Your Skin, Showing Your Texture. Time to Let
Everything Inside Show. You're Cutting All Ties Now and Forever Time to let
Everything Outside You
This is
Your Test... Come Forth, Confess! Extend
Your Tongue, Speak Out, Go On.
Shedding Your Skin, Showing Your Texture. Time to Let
Everything Inside Show.
You're Cutting All Ties Now and Forever Time to let
Everything Outside You
Shed your casing, Show your lines And shapes.
Wear your insides, On the outside, Show your enemy, What you look like

Mais informações no site oficial!


Deftones NUNCA desaponta! Coisa linda essa música hein?

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